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Greener inhalers Posted or Updated on 31 Jul 2023

Greener inhalers, greener planet

Inhalers with lower carbon footprints are being rolled out across Hertfordshire and west Essex to help reduce the carbon emissions that they release.

If you use an inhaler to help manage a respiratory condition like asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), you may therefore be suitable for a version that is more environmentally friendly.

You can discuss this with your GP or practice nurse at your next respiratory review. We might also contact you by text or letter directly. Before then, you don’t need to do anything.

This move towards more greener inhalers aims to help reduce the emissions from inhalers which currently account for about 3% of the NHS carbon footprint.

Not everyone will be suitable for an inhaler switch, but there are other inhaler related changes to help tackle carbon emissions, including by:

  • using your inhaler as prescribed
  • making sure you are confident with your inhaler technique
  • following your asthma action plan or COPD self-management plan so you know what to do if your symptoms get worse
  • Don’t bin it – give your empty inhaler to your pharmacy returning all used inhalers to your local pharmacy so they can be disposed of in an environmentally safe way.

For more information and to understand what these changes mean for you, visit the NHS Hertfordshire and West Essex Integrated Care Board website.

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