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Cervical Screening Awareness Posted or Updated on 18 Jun 2024

Cervical Screening Awareness Week 17th to 23rd June

Macmillian have answered some frequently asked questions about cervical screening.

With nearly 1 in 3 not attending their cervical screening test they talk about where to find information and support if you’re worried about cervical screening or your screening results.

Cervical Screening Awareness Week


Who can have cervical screening?

Cervical screening is for anyone who has a cervix. It is important to have, even if you have had the HPV vaccination. The vaccination protects against the most common types of high-risk HPV that cause cervical cancers. But it does not protect against all types.

It is safe to have cervical screening if you are pregnant, but you can usually delay it if you prefer. A screening test (the cervical smear test) during pregnancy may cause a small amount of bleeding afterwards. This is normal and does not affect your baby.


The NHS will contact you when it is time for your cervical screening if you are:

  • 25 to 64 years old
  • registered as female with a GP.

You do not need screening if you have had surgery to remove your cervix. If you have had surgery to the cervix, vagina or womb but you are not sure what your operation involved, your GP can find out from your medical records.

If you are not sure about having cervical screening for any reason, talk to your GP, practice nurse or sexual health service.

If you are due a cervical smear test call Little Bushey Surgery on 0208 386 8888 to book your appointment.


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